IV Extension Set | IV Extension Set Manufacturer

IV Extension Set

Before you begin with the process of inserting an IV Cannula, it is important that you collect each and everything and then begin setting-up your supplies. When you are new at starting IVs, it is important that you begin gathering all your supplies understanding what has to be done with it. The entire process of gathering the required supplements and understanding how to use it can turn out to challenging itself. Given below are some of the tips and tricks that we wish to share with you, helping you set up an IV Extension Set saving your time and money.

Through our blog we will here guide you with a list of supplies that you will need before you begin with the entire process. We will also tell you what is the item used for, and how will you have to prepare the supplies for IV insertion. Overtime, this will become second nature to you, but when you are new to this field and have just started with this profession then trust me starting IVs does take a lot of practice and patience. So if you are among those individuals who are finding it difficult in starting IV, then please check out our “how to start IVs” blog that will tell you things in detail.

IV Extension Set

Equipment’s required to start an IV

The V start kit- This is a kit that generally includes a tourniquet , an antiseptic  cream that is used to clean the patient’s skin before starting the IV,the gauzes, the tape, the sticker in order to label the IV patient with your initials, date, time etc.

The IV Extension Set -This is a set that is generally used to connect to the IV extension set once you have successfully inserted the IV cannula in the vein of the patient.

Normal Saline Flush-This is generally used to flush the IV extension set ensuring that it is patent and has been working properly without any issues. The Saline flushes is something that generally comes up in the form of  pre-filled syringes, and if you don’t have the pre-filled syringe then all that you will need here is  vial of Normal Saline and a syringe where you will have to draw it up yourself.

The IV Needle-This is a kind of a needle you will be using in order to access the vein of the patient. And once it is accessed you will then have to remove the needle by engaging the safety IV cannula into it.

IV Extension Set

Please Note: IV needles generally come in different designs and sizes which is also known as gauges. So before you begin with the process, do make sure that you pick the correct size based on the type of treatment your patient will be receiving in the hospital. And in case you are confused on the different types of IV gauge needles then you can look out for videos that will provide a detail explanation about them.

Steps on How You Can Set-up an IV

Given below are some of the basic steps on how you can set-up for an IV for insertion. But before you begin with the entire process it is important that you note that there standard kind of a procedure on how this is actually done. Overtime, you will slowly begin to develop your own methods and skills, and this is a method that I had used. So before you begin setting up things for an IV insertion process, do make sure that you have your hands hygiene and immediately have put on the gloves. You will always have to wear on your gloves in order to prevent contamination.

IV Extension Set

Have the kit opened: Have the band removed from the tourniquet, and then slowly tear it off the tape for about 5-6 inches, and then immediately setting it aside. Then have thetourniquet, the antiseptic cream, and the gauzes within your reach that will help you start the IV and fill out the sticker.
Flush in your IV Extension Set or the cap that you will be using in order to connect with the IV catheter. Open the pack of the IV catheter. And the last but not the least prepare to start the IV.

IV Extension Set


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