IV Cannula Manufacturer – Lars Medicare

Beginning with the process of IV infusion and the medications, managing the IV Cannula therapy in children and adults turn out to be the most difficult process at that specific period of time. After all you will be having the nurses who will make use of these skills daily and in every different kind of a patient improving their health and saving their life. Given below are some of the major techniques one can use to insert an IV Cannula. 

Begin the entire process by slowly and deliberately assessing the vein in the hand, wrist, forearm etc. Then by using the vein try and palpate a vein that is not just straight but even bouncy enough when a tourniquet is applied.

Then apply the anaesthetic cream like for example the EMLA, or even a freezing spray, or even injecting a small amount of normal saline with preservatives near to the insertion site in order to numb the area decreasing the pain of the patient when you are actually inserting the needle to the skin. 

Then gently tighten the skin by having your thumb placed at a few inches distal to the site and the pulling on the skin in order to come in contact with the vein. Doing this will not just tighten the skin up but will also eliminate the possibility of the vein movement. 

Placing the needle directly on the vein and then slowly going ahead and inserting it, by bevelling it up and shall owing the angle to the vein. The closet the needle the closet is the vein and the easiest would be the entire process to land up in the vein. 

Penetrating the different layers of the vein with just one motion. You do know that the needle is in the when you actually begin to feel less resistance or see the flashback of the blood. 

Lars Medicare are the major manufactures and exporters of complete and comprehensive range of high quality medical disposable devices including IV Cannula, Safety Cannula, three way stop cock, Extension Line etc. So what other tips would you like to add to the blog post above. How have the above mentioned tips turned to work out for you? Leave your comments below. we will be happy to add them above. more information please visit: IV Cannula India.


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